Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journal 7: Collaborative Documents

Collaborative Documents is where people can meet within a website and collaboratively work on a document. Each person can be invited to work on a specific document and add what they want to the work in progress. I decided to choose this tool on Collaborative documents because I enjoyed my experience with google docs. The assignment we used google docs for intrigued my interest in other types of collaborative document methods. Many of the threads that addressed collaborative documents had nothing but positive things to say. A lot of the people praised google docs for its methods, they said it was easy to use, and offered a lot of options that other collaborative sites did not offer. The other sites that they suggested are as follows: YourDraft - Online draft - shared editing - No registration neccessary, WriteWith - online collaborative word processing, Zoho Writer - online collaborative word processing, WriteBoard - online collaborative wordprocessing The website for Zoho was also highly recommended. They stated that it allowed people to make collaborative spreadsheets and presentations. Some of these collaborative document sites allow instant messaging to be going on while working on the document so people can talk directly through instant messaging. The only problem people were mentioning with google docs and other sites is the school district they worked with restricted such programs. Some said they did not like the students of having the ability to instant message while working on the assignment. All in all I think collaborative documents is wonderful and I plan on implementing into my future classrooms.

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